Spayed or neutered animals live longer lives. When you have your pet neutered or spayed, you are not only providing them with a better and healthier life, but you are also contributing to the reduction of the number of strays that roam the country. An animal lover who does not need to spay/neuter their pet is a bad pet owner. How? For starters, they are exposing their pets to various diseases that can be avoided by spaying or neutering. They’re also subjecting them to the discomfort of the heat cycle. Second, unplanned pregnancies are possible. There are already far too many homeless dogs in shelters, pounds, and on the streets. Why increase the population?
Why should you spay or neuter your dog?
See for yourself the three compelling reasons to spay or neuter your canine companion.
Prevent unwanted puppies.
If your female dog is not spayed on places like San Roque Pet Hospital, she will enter the breeding season, or “heat,” for several weeks once or twice a year. Each time this happens, she’ll be very appealing to male dogs who can smell the scent from a long distance. This can bring unwanted canine visitors to your yard and may result in an unplanned litter of puppies.
Having a litter is costly and requires a significant amount of time and effort. Veterinary care will be required for the buck during her pregnancy. Delivery can be difficult and expensive, resulting in losing the bitch or puppies. After birth, the litter will also require veterinary care and shots.
In addition, finding good homes for puppies can be difficult. Spaying and neutering is a responsible way to prevent accidental breeding, which results in unwanted puppies. Breeding should be left to breeders with a well-organized plan and knowledge of canine genetics and who are concerned with preserving a breed’s best qualities for future generations.
Reduction of certain health risks.
Spaying or neutering can reduce certain health risks in male and female dogs. Unspayed females can develop pyometra, a painful and potentially fatal uterine infection. Females who have not been spayed are more likely to develop mammary tumors than spayed females. Neutering a male dog prevents testicular cancer and lowers the risk of other problems, such as prostate disease. A neutered male dog may also have less desire to roam.
Prevention of certain behavioral issues.
In addition to reducing roaming in male dogs, neutering can often, but not always, help reduce or eliminate undesirable behaviors such as leg-lifting and mounting. Neutering may also reduce aggressive behavior in some dogs. Females who have been spayed are less likely to roam and see the emergency vet.
Every year, millions of dogs end up in shelters. Spaying or neutering your pet will help reduce the number of animals in need of shelter. This allows shelter resources to be stretched further. Dogs reproduce 15 times faster than humans, and euthanasia rates are much higher in areas where spaying and neutering are unavailable. Approximately one-third of all female dogs will develop pyometra, a uterine infection. Symptoms can appear quickly and can be fatal if not treated. Spaying the dog is the most effective treatment, but it is a much more dangerous surgery than for a young, healthy dog.